About Us
M ission
The mission of MountainBikeTx.com is to significantly lessen the
time you spend searching the internet for accurate trail information for
your area and to serve as a gateway to anything else you may be looking
for in the realm of mountain biking. Our belief is that the less time you
spend searching the internet, the more time you have for doing more important
things; like riding! Although we do our absolute best to provide the most
accurate and concise collection of information and available resources,
much of our accuracy and relevance rests on our visitors.
W ho we are
MountainBikeTx.com is the creation of George Wible, with the assistance
from a few friends and, of course, the countless visitors who have contributed
content, ideas, and more. Although not legally defined as a non-profit organization,
MountainBikeTx.com is registered with Bexar County, TX as a legal
entity. Even though MountainBikeTx.com is not technically a non-profit,
all proceeds derived as a result of this website (donations, advertising
& sponsorships, etc.) go solely towards the continued development/promotion
of the site and towards sponsoring events and such both through this website
and other special events, and of course donations to Texas-based organizations
and charities by way of Texas Together.
H istory
This website was born on 1 June, 2008 and is the final result of my own
frustration bouncing around the internet in an attempt to learn about mountain
biking and trying to find out where I could find decent mountain bike trails
in Texas. Starting out as a list of Texas trails for my own benefit, I figured
that this fairly comprehensive list (108 trails at the time) might come
in handy for others, so I planned on passing it around through various mountain
bike forums to anyone who was interested. That plan changed when I learned
about using Googlemaps to create a personal map; thus, the Mountain Biking
in Texas Googlemap became my project from November 2007 until it was
announced to the public in January 2008.
The Googlemap seemed like a great idea, and still serves its purpose quite well; however, there were many questions raised about it (e.g., what do the icons mean, can you define what a tech level 3 trail is, etc.) and what little space Google provides for a description didn't really allow for adequately addressing these questions. Thanks to the overwhelming success of the map, what was originally intended to be nothing more than one or two web pages on how to use the Googlemap snowballed into a sub-site of my personal website.
Previously known as Pedigre's Mountain Bike Resource, or PMBR, the original website was functional at best, and the more I looked at it the more it looked "low-budget." To make a longer story short, PMBR was a great start, but MountainBikeTx.com has become the vision I originally had for a Texas mountain bike website; a site I wish existed when I first dove into the addicting world of mountain biking.
I hope you find it as useful as I intend it to be.
~ George Wible, Owner