We will be placing nine rubber chickens at strategic locations around the ranch. Each rubber chicken will be numbered from 1 to 9 representing cash or swag...
Only one chicken prize will be given per winner. If you find more than one, you better have a buddy to give it to.
No preference will be given to direction of ride or which loop. If your strategy is to find a chicken, anything goes. Ride the lower loop forward or backwards. If you have the knowledge, ride a jeep road to the middle and pick up the trail there. The fastest riders may not be the ones to find a chicken, or then again maybe they will.
~ Jimmy Dreiss (Flat Rock Ranch, owner)
Additional Notes:
Add'l Information:
October 19, 2008
• Wristbands available from 8:00
- 9:00 a.m.
• Ride starts at 9:00 a.m.
Note: No early bird starts before 9:00 a.m.
$6/person over age 12
• To be eligible to win, you
must obtain a wristband (see Time)
• Ranch management reserves the right to sneak a 10th chicken out after
the ride starts.
• Prizes will be in the $25+ range.
• Hot dogs and drinks should be available from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.
• Awards will be presented to chicken catchers at 12:00 p.m.
Note: If you would like a full, unedited copy of any
of these photos, contact the
webmaster with either the filename or photo's caption.